
Friday, April 4, 2008

Nor the Battle to the Strong

Anybody who’s checked my website knows I came to writing somewhat late in life, and that over the last thirteen years I’ve published four novels. At first, for a late-blooming beginner, things moved pretty quickly for me, with books coming out in 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2003. Then I pitched into an ambitious project—a historical novel larger in scale and more serious in content than anything I’d tried before. That book took me two years to research and write and another year to sell; then two more years had to pass while it waited its turn on the production line.

Now the time is approaching when it will finally see print. The launch date is July 4, a fitting date for a novel about the American Revolution. It’s called Nor the Battle to the Strong. The jacket cover has been designed. Any day now I’ll be proofing galleys. Soon review copies will be going out. Booksellers have already started to contact me about readings and signings. These are exciting days for any writer, but especially for one who’s nearly seventy, frets about the amount of fruitful time left to him, and has impatiently waited five years to see his next work go into print.

Not that I’ve been idle during that interval. I’ve written four other new novels, re-written two others, am working on a seventh, and have begun a sequel to Nor the Battle. My wife Ruth and I have also co-written a four-act play. We hope all these works can one day join their literary brothers and sisters on the shelves of booksellers and libraries or on the stage. But as anybody familiar with today’s publishing business knows, nothing is quick or easy or predictable. We’ll see what happens and anticipate good things.

Meanwhile, it’s a happy time for us. We’ve got a great publisher who’s turning out a high-quality book and working hard to promote it. We think it’s a good book. We hope you'll read it and like it and tell your friends about it. We think it says something important about our country, not just the America the 18th century but the America of today and tomorrow too. We look forward to taking it on the road. We hope it will make a difference. After all, that's why we write.

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